About Anne

Anne has dedicated herself to the art of Shiatsu, a Japanese form of bodywork which is based on the principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine. German in origin she started her journey in Hamburg and completed her Diploma Course with Cliff Andrews in the UK. Over the last twenty years she has practised her vocation in South Africa, Germany, Australia and the UK.

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Anne has extensive experience in working with pregnant women before, during and after the birth. She is a also a qualified Doula.

Why Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a traditional holistic therapy form originating in Japan. In direct translation it means finger pressure.

It is a deeply relaxing form of body work and differs from other massage therapies as the treatment is conducted while the client remains fully clothed. Shiatsu treatments are performed on a futon and it works with the life energy, called Qi. Through the stimulation of acupressure points, stretches, rotations and gentle manipulations the clients Qi is moved and the bodys innate healing power is activated. Thumbs, Palms, Elbows, Knees and Feet are used during a treatment. By using all these different applicators, a unique sense of connection is achieved.

The imbalances the client is experiencing are assessed with the understanding of the 5 Element Theory based in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Exercises, diet recommendation and lifestyle advice can be part of the ongoing treatment plan.

Shiatsu can aid in the relief of the following:

Back pain
Neck stiffness
Joint pain
Minor sports injuries
Anxiety and Depression
Digestive Problems
Low or erratic energy
Reproductive and menstrual problems

Shiatsu Training

Touch is the language of the Heart

Join me to learn about this profound healing art. This is not only a journey to be of service to others, but also to learn about yourself. Who are you, what are you made of, how do energies express themselves in the outer as well as the inner world. Learn the language of the body in relation to thoughts, emotions and the elements.
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Client Testimonials